Silence is a healer, yet it kills. Know your perimeter on this perspective. Get wisdom from the Lord when to be silent and when to speak up. Identify your words. Does it serve you, or does it serve God? Determine the timing to speak up. Is it necessary, or needed? Perhaps it can set back.
Sometimes the best help that we can give to someone is to shut up and pray. You cannot win to a place where the other end of the rope is tugging you in the opposite direction. Then, why you force yourself to pull the rope towards you when you know it would hurt both directions. Personally, I do not ask personal problems to people, even to my friends. There are moments I could just feel it, but I always wait. I respect the privacy of their pain and their process.
It takes humility to open up our hurts, pain, and weaknesses.
It is scary. People don’t share because it scares them to receive judgement and misunderstood. Pride is also the reason and sometimes it covers up the multitude of pain and heartaches. Distrust would tip over also from telling their struggles. And some are simply for privacy grounds. You cannot force anyone to share. But praying for them is the best help you can give to those who do not want your help, or not ready yet. God will take care of it. Even if your intention or motive are good and for their own benefit, it won’t matter to them because they may take it as controlling.
However, I tell you the truth! Admitting your weaknesses and pain to the Lord Jesus Christ and share it with your trusted family, friend, or church brethren will lead to healing. The Lord can change our heart and He can give us a new heart (Ezekiel 36:26-27). He can open up our wounded heart according to who we are. We all have a different level of pain and struggles, but the same need – a need for healing. We are uniquely fashioned by God. Indeed, He knows exactly how to deal our own journey accordingly. The Lord sees things about us; we don’t.
“No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man, but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but which the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13, NKJV
Have you ever felt the time that you were struggling and thought you could not bear it anymore? God knows our limitations, weaknesses, and strength. He will not allow any adversary that you cannot overcome. But most people fall into the trap of Satan that you are weak, abandon, forgotten, and anything that weakens your spirit. And make you believe God does not love you! The enemy drift you away from the truth of what Jesus Christ did on the cross. But do not believe it! Instead, pray for your pain that the Lord would use it as a message and a tool to transform you according to His great calling for your life. The process is always difficult, yet it builds your character and faithfulness to the calling you have called for His Glory.
When I am on a very challenging season in my life, in order for me to heal, I would rather choose to shut myself from the world’s nuisance. It is a way for me to know myself before the Lord, contemplating the circumstances and seeking His guidance and message for me. However, I am very careful not to dwell myself in silence because it will kill my spirit. Previously, I have sought some Christian counselling through our pastor because I recognized I need help. Thus, I shared my disappointments, anger, and hurts with my spiritual mentor in my local church. And the Lord would give us people that He already equip to help us walk through our difficulties. Then, God equipped you from your journey of pain to become a witness and a helper to others. Even though I broke myself down many times that God allowed it for me to get healing and share it with others. And it is true, we cannot pour from an empty cup. We cannot share about healing if we have nothing to be healed for. No understanding of forgiveness if nobody hurts us and we learnt to forgive. We cannot give a heart of compassion if we do not break it first from empathy.
Healing process is a very long, and gruelling, but we can find joy and peace through Jesus Christ. Even from our deepest sorrows, we speak not but pray. Our heart is crying to the Lord and words are not enough to express the heartaches. The good news is, God is merciful and loving. Give your life to Jesus Christ and surrender it all to Him.
“The LORD is gracious and full of compassion, Slow to anger and great in mercy.” Psalm 145:8, NKJV.
